Jerry Haidinger, CMB
When did you earn your CMB designation?
October 2003
Which type of CMB designation did you achieve (Residential/ Executive/ Master)? When I enrolled there was not separate designations. You were simply given the title of CMB.
What is your day-to-day job role in the industry?
Account Manager, MGIC. Promoting the use of mortgage insurance to achieve homeownership.
Did you experience
challenges on the way to becoming a CMB? My biggest challenge was that I did not have any origination experience.
Any advice for those considering CMB?
My advice would be to find a good mentor, especially someone who has been through the program recently.
How has your professional life changed since going through the CMB program? My job is the same. However, I have enjoyed meeting other CMBs.
Since obtaining your CMB, what have you done to give back to the mortgage banking industry? I have sponsored four candidates. i have interviewed several other CMB's during the test phase.
Do you hold any other designations or awards (inside or outside the mortgage banking industry) that
you would like people to know about? National Association of Securities Dealers(NASD) Series 7 license. 1987. Mortgage Bankers Association of America/Washington DC. Future Leaders 2005.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not at work?
Travel. I have visited all 50 states & all 7 continents. Currently a mentor to a student a Cristo Rey HS.